Alastair Reid wrote:

> > 3. CGI startup and HUGS
> > Hugs scripts seem to take a very long time to start up.
> > Testing with this:
> > > main = putStr "content-type: text/html\n\nhello world\n"
> > Hugs scripts have a noticeable response delay.
> > The equivalent Perl, C, and GHC executables all respond with negligible
> > delay. Is there any way to speed up Hugs scripts other than waiting for a
> > new version?
> Compile them with GHC :-)
> If you're really keen (aka masochistic) you could modify Hugs to dump a
> snapshot of itself and its memory contents after loading a file - the
> way that TeX and emacs do.  Details on how to do this for various
> architectures can be found in the TeX and emacs source code.

To add a little voice of experience here.  I have tried that very experiment.
I was able to get hugs to snapshot itself by imitating how emacs does it.
This much was fairly "straightforward" (in a grungy Unix hackers sort of
sense).  However, runhugs was a different beast.  I could never get it to
snapshot correctly.  I never determined what the problem was, but then, when I
did this, runhugs had a number of problems (it was very new) which may be
resolved by now.  I could dig up the code if anyone is interested.


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