"S. Alexander Jacobson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am writing CGI scripts in Haskell and would prefer not to pay the
> process creation overhead of CGI.
> Apache allows you to compile apache modules directly into the httpd.
> You just need to make sure that the code exports functions the functions
> that apache requires.
> The Netscape Server API has a similar strucutre (but works as a DLL).
> Greencard allows Haskell to call C (or Corba).  Is there a way to give C
> code access to Haskell functions?

Hugs' "server interface" provides a very limited ability for C functions
to call Haskell.  Have a look at


(postscript and dvi versions available in the same directory).

The server interface requires a fair bit of programming to call 
each function (you have to lookup the function, then massage
each argument, then call it then check the error code then ...)

Needless to say, it'll all be better in the new Hugs-GHC system
we're working on.  

Alastair Reid              Yale Haskell Project Hacker
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://WWW.CS.Yale.EDU/homes/reid-alastair/

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