On 10-Jun-1998, Karlsson Kent - keka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| It's nice to have SOME way of handling exceptions, but...
| > The implementation does not keep sets of exceptional values,
| > of course.  It simply propagates the first one it trips
| > over to the nearest enclosing handler.
| One argument that can be made in favour of a generalised more IEEE-like
| mechanism is that it is usually such a pain to handle an exception that
| propagates like this that one most often does not bother to handle it
| properly (i.e. try to continue with the task, which is usually the best
| thing to do; [...]).  And in many cases, using some reasonable
| 'continuation value' (which have already been specified and widely
| implemented for f.p. arithmetic) and a set of notes on exceptions that
| have occurred, is sufficient and gives a nicer behaviour of the program.
| Say that the application is to produce a simple function curve, for a
| function given as argument, so only the type is known and no other
| properties.  Say that it does this by computing a list of pairs later to
| be turned into a nice-looking graph.  Say also that overflows occur, or
| out-of-domain-errors occur.  Having these errors propagate up to an IO
| monad or similar for handling, then having to restart, in the handler,
| the graph calculation at the appropriate place is much more difficult to
| handle (and is likely not to be done, or to be done in a buggy way) than
| just plodding on as if (nearly) nothing out of the ordinary happened.

With the `NDSet' module I described in another post, this
is straightforward.  Suppose your function which returns a list
of pairs is defined as

        compute_graph :: SomeData x y -> [(x, y)]

Then you can easily catch exceptions in the computation of the y's.
You don't even need to modify the code for compute_graph!
        checked_compute_graph :: SomeData x y -> [(x, MaybeException y)]
        checked_compute_graph somedata = (xs, map ndset_catch ys) where
                list = compute_graph somedata
                xs = map fst list
                ys = map snd list
Then the code which draws the graph just needs to do some pattern
matching on the `MaybeException y' at the appropriate place:

        plot_point x (OK y) = ...
        plot_point x (GotException exception) = ...

Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh>  |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]        |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

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