> I thought about this problem some more, and I have realized that the
> problem of nondeterminacy for Haskell exceptions would in fact be
> considerably worse that I had previously considered.  The trouble is
> that in the general case the problem is not just that the choice of
> which exception is raised is nondeterministic -- instead, it would be
> much worse: the choice of whether you raise an exception or loop
> forever can be also be nondeterministic.  This occurs because of
> expressions such as `0/0 + loop'.  Or, to take a more realistic (and
> nasty) example, `f 0' where `f x = 1/x + g x' where `g x' happens to
> loop if `x' is zero.

I don't agree that this is a problem.  If (g x) loops when x is zero
then you should jolly well test for that:

        f x | x == 0    = raise "x is zero"
            | otherwise = 1/x + g x

I simply don't think it's reasonable to comletely prescribe
the evaluation order of a lazy functional program.

At the moment, Haskell has the fiction that a divide-by-zero
exception and non-termination are the same value, i.e. bottom.
That allows us to say that the behaviour of

        f x = 1/x + g x

is identical regardless of whether "+" evaluates its first
argument first or second.  But we all know that the behaviour
in these two cases is quite different: one prints a message and
halts, and the other fails to terminate.  So in this sense
the behaviour of Haskell programs is already non-deterministic.

The nice thing about the NDSet story is that it makes clear
precisely where the non-determinism occurs.  Equational reasoning
is not impaired, nor is the implementation penalised.  I think
it's a great idea.

So I appear to be in disagreement here with Alex, Amr, and Fergus about
the importance of being able to say precisely which exception is raised.
I'm quite content with knowing which *set* of exceptions can be raised.


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