I would like to avoid using show all the time for printing strings e.g.

> val = "the sum of 2 and 2 is "++(show $ 2 + 2)++" whenever."

I would prefer to type something like:

> val = "the sum of 2 and 2 is "./(2+2)./" whenever." 
> -- i can' find a better haskell compatible operator

I can't simply "show" the arguments of (./) because showing strings adds
quotation marks which I don't want in this context.

So I tried creating my own Stringable class:
> class Stringable a where
>  toString::a -> String

> (./) :: (Stringable a,Stringable b)=> a->b->String
> x./y = (toString x)++(toString y)

The trouble is that when I try doing things like:

> res = (2+2) ./ " hello"

I get an "Unresolved top-level overloading" error.
But this works

> i::Int
> i = 2+2
> res = i ./ "hello"

Is there any way to convince Haskell to just resolve these numbers to
SOMETHING by default?  Then I can just declare that type an instance of

Ideally, I would prefer to be able to use a more natural string
concatenation operator for this like (.) (..) or, ideally, (+), but I
guess that is not possible.


S. Alexander Jacobson                   i2x Media  
1-212-697-0184 voice                    1-212-697-1427 fax

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