John Launchbury posed a nice puzzle about
mutual recursive bindings in the do notation:


test :: [Int]
test = do (x,z) <- [(y,1),(2*y,2), (3*y,3)]
          Just y <- map isEven [z .. 2*z]
          return (x+y)

isEven x = if even x then Just x else Nothing


I would consider it as equivalent to:


testTrans :: [Int]
testTrans = do (x,z) <- [(\y -> y,1),(\y -> 2*y,2), (\y -> 3*y,3)]
               Just y <- map isEven [z .. 2*z]
               return (x y+y)

isEven x = if even x then Just x else Nothing


which hugs accepts and evaluates to [4,6,12,16,24].

The principle is to consider variables (x) bound to expressions containing
later-bound variables (y) as functions accepting values for y.
When x is used, the current y is supplied.

MORE GENERAL would be to consider the following equivalent version
of the original program:


test' :: [Int]
test' = do (x,z) <- return (y,1)   ++
                    return (2*y,2) ++
                    return (3*y,3)
          Just y <- map isEven [z .. 2*z]
          return (x+y)


and adapt all occurrences of return
to returning functions accepting the later-bound variables.

Patterns fed by such returns are replaced by new function variables (f).

Variables bound in patterns fed by such returns
occur in two situation:

1: (z) before the later bindings:
          Apply to undefined and extract from the pattern,

2: (x) after the later bindings:
          Apply to the now bound variable and extract from the pattern.

testTrans' :: [Int]
testTrans' = do f <- return (\y -> (  y,1)) ++
                     return (\y -> (2*y,2)) ++
                     return (\y -> (3*y,3))
                let z = snd (f undefined)
                Just y <- map isEven [z .. 2*z]
                let x = fst (f y)
                return (x + y)

Hugs says:

Main> testTrans'

How about it?

Best regards,


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