At 15:37 +0100 1999/06/03, Peter Hancock wrote:
>By the way, I'm not wild about Hans's term "constant variables".  In
>Church's lambda-I calculus, you aren't allowed abstractions where the
>bound variable doesn't occur in the body.  It would be better to
>distinguish linear (exactly once), affine (at most once), and general
>abstraction.  All 0, 1, * and ^ are affine, but + is not.  All 1, *
>and ^ are linear, but 0 is not.   Reduction of affine combinators
>needs essentially no new space, I think.

I think Church's restriction that a bound variable must occur in the bound
expression is more technical in nature, but not essential in a practical
application. The thing is that the lambda-calculus does not come with an
interpretation of the symbols. So if one adds (in an interpreation of the
lambda-calculus) a symbol O such that O(f)(x) = x, then
    lambda x.O(x)(f)
where f does not contain x is a legal expression in Church's calculus, but
this expresion becomes equivalent to
    lambda x.f
when O(x)(f) = f is substituted.

Here O lambda a b . b, as before.

  Hans Aberg
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