I've been using a preprocessor to Haskell that I call HacWrite, which
adds a new kind of string appropriate for entering text.  Such strings
can span multiple lines and can be escaped using curly brackets:

  var1 = 2*2
  var2 = 4*var1
  var3 = «Foobar»
  sqlstring = «insert into mytable values

Text is enclosed within «these characters» (which are hard to find on
my keyboard, so I let Emacs insert them when I press '"'). To support
markup, stuff that follows a space inside an escape is treated as

   «This {bf sentence contains words in boldface}.»

Here, `bf' is a markup function from text to text.

I've found HacWrite quite useful for document writing (see
http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~hallgren/Thesis/ for a longer example :-),
but I'm sure it could be useful for CGI-scripting and the like as


S. Alexander Jacobson writes:
 > A popular thing to do with computer languages (especially scripting
 > languages) is to  manipulate text and insert variables into strings.  
 > It is extremely irritating to escape in and out of strings via ++ in
 > Haskell or + in Java/Javascript.  
 > e.g. 
 > > var1 = 2*2
 > > var2 = 4*var1
 > > var3 = "Foobar""
 > > sqlstring = "insert into mytable values "++
 > >  "(NULL,'"++(show var1)++"','"++(show var2)++"','"++var3"');"
 > It would be much nicer if Haskell did what perl,php, and tcl do:
 > > sqlstring="insert into mytable values (NULL,'$var1','$var2','$var3')".
 > Even nicer would be:
 > > sqlstring="insert into mytable values
 >   (NULL,'$var1','$(var1+var2)','$var3')".
 > (Notice both the embedded evaluation and the fact that the string runs
 > accross multiple lines)
 > Supporting this feature involves either:
 > a. a syntactic transformation after you have type information (don't
 > 'show' strings)
 > or 
 > b. redefining show string not to return quotation marks
 > To me the second makes more sense, but either way, this feature would make 
 > haskell programming much less annoying.
 > -Alex-
 > PS Why does show string return quotation marks?  It seems inconsistent.
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