At 00:59 -0700 1999/07/01, Mark P Jones wrote:
>| Quick quiz:  how many Haskell lexemes are represented by the following
>| sequences of characters?
>|      1)      M.x
>|      2)      M.let
>|      3)
>|      4)      M..
>|      5)      M...
>|      6)      M.!
>Interesting examples!  However, I don't agree with your proposed fix, which
>is to regard all of them as single lexemes.  Instead, I think that the time
>has come to find another symbol for composition, and let `.' be a token all
>by it's lonesome with the traditional reading of selection.

>Look at the contortions that we're making to keep . for function
>It has to go!  How about ; instead as a nice syntax for forward composition?
>(Explicit layout?  What's that?  Maybe it should go too :-)

I think the problems are due to the rather limited supply of symbols that
ASCII supplies. When Unicode can be used, those problems will go away. For
would each be represented as a single symbol.

As for function composition, which one in math writes (f o g)(x) :=
f(g(x)), I decided to use a filled circle instead of the (*) in f * g := g
o f. As it is associative, it can be viewed as a kind of multiplication,
and I think that the symbol chosen should reflect that fact.

Could one not use parenthesizes to indicate the intent:
    M.....        -- M followed by .....
    M.(..)(...)   -- M followed by . .. ... (four lexemes)

If one permits dropping the parenthesizes even when not appropriate, then
one ends up with figuring out the meaning of strange syntaxes.

  Hans Aberg
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