Jón Fairbairn  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 > > diagonalise:: [[a]] -> [a]
 > > diagonalise l = d [] l
 > > d [] [] = []
 > > d acc [] = --  d [] acc would do, but muddles the order;
 > >            heads acc ++ d (rests acc) []
 > > d ls (l1:rest) = heads (ls') ++ d (rests ls') rest
 > >                  where ls' = l1: ls
 > > heads l = [a | (a: _) <- l]
 > > rests l = [as | (_: as) <- l]
This differs from the versions given by Mark Jones, Stefan Kahrs and myself
in that it does the diagonals ``upside down''.

However, methodologically it is actually very close to my version,
and even closer to some predecessor of that that I do not have anymore.
In fact, if I introduce into DiagWK3 the corresponding muddling avoidance,
we get:


> diag :: [[a]] -> [a]
> diag [] = []
> diag (l:ls) = split id [l] ls
>  where
>   split :: ([[a]] -> [[a]]) -> [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [a]
>   split a [] ls      = case ls of
>                          []     -> split id [] (a [])
>                          (l:ls) -> split id (a [l]) ls
>   split a (l : ls) r = case l of
>                          []     -> split a ls r
>                          (x:xs) -> x : split (a . (xs :)) ls r

Then a tiny change turns the diagonals ``upside down'', too:


> diag :: [[a]] -> [a]
> diag [] = []
> diag (l:ls) = split id [l] ls
>  where
>   split :: ([[a]] -> [[a]]) -> [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [a]
>   split a [] ls      = case ls of
>                          []     -> split id [] (a [])
>                          (l:ls) -> split id (l : (a [])) ls -- CHANGED!!
>   split a (l : ls) r = case l of
>                          []     -> split a ls r
>                          (x:xs) -> x : split (a . (xs :)) ls r

The timing differences between DiagJF and DiagWK5 are probably
mostly due to some combination of

* the double list analysis effort in heads and rests
* and the tradeoff between lists with (++) and functions with (.).

It might be interesting to look into the compiled code in detail.

           20000    200000  2000000  5000000

DiagMPJ   0:00.16  0:02.32  0:37.55  1:48.09
DiagMPJ1  0:00.12  0:01.50  0:23.83  1:06.71
DiagMPJ1a 0:00.12  0:01.47  0:23.54  1:06.04

DiagJF    0:00.13  0:01.64  0:21.85  0:57.99

DiagWK3   0:00.12  0:01.34  0:18.82  0:52.31
DiagWK4   0:00.11  0:01.33  0:19.29  0:53.22
DiagWK5   0:00.12  0:01.34  0:18.92  0:52.06


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