On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Simon Marlow wrote:
> > req a b = unsafePerformIO $ do
> >    a' <- makeStableName a
> >    b' <- makeStableName b
> >    return (a' == b')
> That's exactly what to use in a situation like this.  Pointer equality loses
> referential transparency in general (as Simon P.J. pointed out), hence the
> use of the I/O monad in our Stable Name API.
> Furthermore, if you intend to encapsulate your use of pointer equality in a
> "safe" abstraction, say a memo table, then use of unsafePerformIO is
> entirely justified.  The req function above is of course an "unsafe"
> abstraction, because it exposes the representation of a and b.

Just an idle curiousity question: when you say it loses referential
transparency am I right in saying it this is only with respect to compile
time transformations (& program proofs,etc) but that there's no problem
_for a given compiled program_ about req a b changing it's value depending
upon the way demand drives the lazy evaluation reduction strategy, or is
there a subtlety there?

(I'm just curious about the use of the IO monad, which regulates
things which depend on the an underlying state which may change with time
in a difficult to predict way depending on the precise pattern of
reduction, rather than say a `compile time monad'.) 

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