Andy Gill wrote:
> Simon Marlow and I are looking at including a Javadoc
> like tool (Haskelldoc) as an extended example for Happy,
> for release with soon to appear Happy 1.6. If only we could find
> time to write it :-) A Haskelldoc program would take
> a Haskell module annotated with stylized comments, and
> produce Html pages.
> I've been playing will possible formats of such documentation.
> Have a look at
> for what I'm currently thinking of.
> What sort of fields would be useful in a Haskeldoc program?
> Comments anyone?
> Andy

What's the thinking on this? As a supplement to, or instead of Literate
Haskell? Not that I've ever really used Literate Haskell, but I had
always planned on using it someday. ;-)

- Michael Hobbs

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