> As Haskell has the standard functions  fst, snd  to decompose  (a,b),
> maybe, it worths to provide also
>                           tuple31, tuple31, tuple31,
>                           ...
>                           tuple51, tuple52, tuple53, tuple54, tuple55
> for the tuples of  n = 3,4,5 ?

Yes!  I often want fst3, snd3, thd3, at least.

I suggest calling them "pi13" or "prj13" rather than "tuple31", though.

--KW 8-)
: Keith Wansbrough, MSc, BSc(Hons) (Auckland) ------------------------:
: PhD Student, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, England. :
:  (and recently of the University of Glasgow, Scotland. [><] )       :
: Native of Antipodean Auckland, New Zealand: 174d47' E, 36d55' S.    :
: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/kw217/  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     :

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