Many times in this list people said that Haskell is in-efficient in
comparison to non-functional tools, like C and others.
And often refer to the matrix operations, linear algebra tasks,
saying how the arrays are useful and how they need to be mutable.

Maybe we arrange some simple and clear benchmark?

The enclosed programs are written boldly in Haskell for the two ways 
to compute the determinant.
A matrix is represented as a list of lists. No arrays. Nothing is
mutable "in place", God save.
To avoid large numbers, we put the number domain  C  to be integers 
modulo prime  p.
cNeg, cAdd ... cDiv   program explicitly the arithmetic modulo  p.

Now, could someone, please, write similar programs in other 
languages, say, C ?
Use mutable arrays, as you like, and so on.
Present the source program, please.
Then, we will run                   det m,  det_G m   

for the matrix of size  n = 20, 40 ...  and see the timing.


Sergey Mechveliani

det_G :: [[C]] -> C         
            -- determinant of square matrix computed by Gauss method

det_G [[a]] = a
det_G rows  = case  span ((==0).head) rows  of

  (_  , []           ) -> 0   -- zero column
  (zhs, (a:row):rows') ->
         map (\ (b:row') -> mulSubRow (cDiv b a) row' row) rows'
       rs -> makeSign zhs $ cMul a $ det_G ((map tail zhs)++rs)
    makeSign (_:_:xs) = makeSign xs
    makeSign []       = id
    makeSign [_]      = cNeg

    mulSubRow q = zipWith (\b a -> cSub b $ cMul q a) 

det :: [[C]] -> C        -- determinant of square matrix computed by 
                         -- expanding by the row
det [[a]]      = a
det (row:rows) = dt (1::Int) '+' row rows (0 :: C)
                                     -- initiate det = 0, sign= '+',
                                     -- for i = 1 to n ...
  dt _ _    []      _    res = res 
  dt i sign (a:row) rows res = 
      a==0  then  dt (i+1) (invSign sign) row rows res   --skip zero
      (case  (sign, det $ delColumn i rows)
         ('+',minorDet) -> recurse '-' cAdd minorDet
         ('-',minorDet) -> recurse '+' cSub minorDet
      recurse s addOrSub minorDet = 
                dt (i+1) s row rows (addOrSub res (cMul a minorDet))

invSign '+' = '-'
invSign '-' = '+'

delColumn :: Int -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
delColumn    n   =  map (del_n_th n)

del_n_th :: Int -> [a] -> [a]      -- remove element No n  from list
del_n_th    _      []     = []
del_n_th    0      xs     = xs
del_n_th    1      (_:xs) = xs
del_n_th    n      (x:xs) = x:(del_n_th (n-1) xs)

type C = Int      -- base domain - only it is viewed modulo  p

p = 3  :: C

cNeg 0 = 0           
cNeg a = p-a  :: C

cAdd, cSub, cMul, cDiv :: C -> C -> C

cAdd a b = mod (a+b) p
cSub a b = cAdd a $ cNeg b
cMul a b = mod (a*b) p

cPow :: C -> Int -> C
cPow    a    n   =  mod (a^n) p

cDiv a b = cMul a $ cInv b

cInv 0 = error "cInv 0"
cInv a = case  gcdE a p
           (1,u,v) -> case  mod u p
                        u' -> if  u' < 0  then  u'+p  else  u'

           _       -> error "gcdE a p  should yeild (1,u,v)"

gcdE ::  C -> C -> (C,C,C)    --extended GCD: g = gcd(x,y) = u*x+v*y
       --x   y      g u v                
gcdE x y = gc (1,0,x) (0,1,y)    
                                          -- (u1,u2,u3) (v1,v2,v3)
            -- Euclidean GCD is applied to  u3,v3,  operations on
            -- u1,u2, v1,v2  are parallel to ones of  u3,v3              
  gc (u1,u2,u3) (v1,v2,v3) = 
                    if  v3==0  then  (u3,u1,u2)
                      case  quotRem u3 v3   
                        (q,r) -> gc (v1,v2,v3) (u1-q*v1, u2-q*v2, r)

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