In the hopes that this list can also be used for stupid questions in
addition to the super smart ones, I have a stupid newbie question:

I think I understand the basics of monads: the IO monad is no longer a
mystery to me, I was able to write a toy set of monadic parser combinators
and use them for a toy project, and I can think of some situations where
it's handy think of lists monadically.

However, I note that Maybe is an instance of Monad.  What for?  I don't
mean why in the theoretic sense, I mean what good will this do to a
practical programmer.  Could somebody please post (or mail me directly)
a relatively down-to-earth piece of code where Maybe is used monadically -
or explain its usefulness in prose?

%%% Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho % [EMAIL PROTECTED] % %%%

                             (John Cage)

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