On Thu 07 Oct, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> See the paper "Concurrent Haskell" by Simon Peyton Jones, Andrew Gordon and
> Sigbjorn Finne, which states:
> "forkIO :: IO () -> IO () forkIO a is an action which takes an action, a, as
> its argument and spawns a concurrent process to perform that action. The I/O
> and other side effects performed by a are interleaved in an unspecified
> fashion with those that follow the forkIO."
> The paper goes on to say:
> "The situation worsens when concurrency is introduced, since now multiple
> concurrent processes are simultaneously mutating a single state. The
> purely-functional state-transformer semantics becomes untenable.

Yes, my opinion seems to be very much in line with yours, and that of
the Concurrent Haskell designers as far as I can see.

Adrian Hey

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