On  8 Oct, Joe English wrote:
>  [I wrote]:
> > Just now I thought of .~ from . for composition and ~ (tilde, but
> > commonly called twiddle) for twiddling the order about.

>  I've also seen  .|  and |.  used for this purpose (by
>  analogy with Unix pipes.)

>  John Hughes' Arrow library spells it ">>>",

Oh well, I thought it might be cute enough to solve the argument, but
obviously not...

>  Along the same lines, are there accepted conventional infix operators
>  for the functions with types:
>       (a0 -> b0) -> (a1 -> b1) -> (a0,a1) -> (b0,b1)
>       (a  -> b0) -> (a  -> b1) -> a -> (b0,b1))
>       (a0 -> b0) -> (a1 -> b1) -> Either a0 a1 -> Either b0 b1
>       (a0 -> b)  -> (a1 -> b)  -> Either a0 a1 -> b
>  (the last one is called "either" in the standard Prelude).

These were on my list to think of names as well.  In ponder I had `
(like a raised comma) and >< (product of functions).

>  I personally like:
>       (f <*> g) (x,y)         = (f x, g y)
>       (f <&> g) x             = (f x, g x)
>       (f <+> g) (Left x)      = Left (f x)
>       (f <+> g) (Right y)     = Right (g y)
>       (f <|> g) (Left x)      = f x
>       (f <|> g) (Right y)     = g y

I'd go along with those -- if for no other reason than you being first
to suggest them, and wishing for less argument. They look OK too.

Jón Fairbairn                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
18 Kimberley Road                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cambridge CB4 1HH                      +44 1223 570179 (pm only, please)

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