On October 9 (13:22 +0400), S.D.Mechveliani wrote with possible deletions:
| I wrote    f n = [(x,y,z,u) | xs = [0..n],  x <- xs,
|                               ys = xs\\[x], y <- ys,
|                               zs = ys\\[y], z <- zs,  u <- zs\\[z]
|                  ],
| and  Gofer  allowed this. But  Haskell-98  does not.
| So, i write here
|                          ...  xs <- [[0..n]],  x <- xs,
|                               ys <- [xs\\[x]], y <- ys  ...

Comprehension come with `let'-syntax which might be of help here:

        [ ... | ..., let xs = [0..n],    x <- xs,
                     let ys = xs \\ [x], y <- ys, ... ]

Best wishes,
  | Torsten Grust                              [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
  |                                   http://www.fmi.uni-konstanz.de/~grust/ |
  | Database Research Group, University of Konstanz (Lake Constance/Germany) |

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