XML documents are trees, and processing them is graph traversal. This
paper might be of some theoretical help:

Functional Programming with Graphs, Martin Erwig. 2nd ACM SIGPLAN Int.
Conf. on Functional Programming (ICFP'97), 52-65, 1997 (also in: ACM
SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 32,No. 8, Aug 1997, pp. 52-65)
  online at:


The last line of the abstract reads:

 For example, depth-first-search expressed by a fold over a functional
 graph has the same complexity as the corresponding imperative algorithm. 

John Atwood
S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
> In this article
> (http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list/archive/msg07336.html), Clark
> Evans claims that XSLT is too slow or too memory intensive because it is a
> functional language.
> He suggests adding Hashtables to XSLt to improve performance.  Is this
> really necessary? Is the problem functional programming or something
> broken in the design of the XSLt lanuage?
> Backround: XSLt is a functional programming language designed to process
> XML documents.  It is still in the draft stage.  When it becomes a
> standard, XSLt functional programming is likely to be one of the dominant
> forms of Internet programming.  We are already using XSLt here to manage
> generating the site.
> -Alex-
> ___________________________________________________________________
> S. Alexander Jacobson                 Shop.Com
> 1-212-697-0184 voice                  The Easiest Way To Shop

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