I blew it!  My example had a bad flaw.  See below.

   Date: Mon, 22 Feb 93 19:30:19 GMT
   From: wadler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


   I agree that the report should be updated to express the restriction we
   really have in mind.  Simon: as editor, this is your bailiwick!

   I also think its neat that you seem to have found a use for cyclic
   unification.  This is definitely an impetus to extend the language to
   include cyclic types.  (I don't expect we'll do this for a while
   though.  You might consider modifying the Glasgow Haskell compiler to
   include this yourself -- it may not be too difficult.)

   However, I am confused by some of your example.  You want to use a data
   structure like

     data FooTree a = Leaf a | Node (FooTree (Wrapper a)) (FooTree (Wrapper a))
     data Wrapper a = Annotation a Int

   This seems to add an additional level of annotation at every
   Node.  Something zero nodes deep has zero annotations, something
   five nodes deep has five annotations.  Is this really what you

Yes.  I want to annotate every non-root item of the tree.
Again, this is only a stripped-down example of what I'm
really trying to do.

   Because of the way type inference works in the Hindley-Milner system,
   it is impossible to write a function that will act on values of the
   type (FooTree a) as defined above.

Ooops!  My example has a bug in it.  What I meant to say was

  data FooTree a = Leaf a | Node (Wrapper (FooTree a)) (Wrapper (FooTree a))
  data Wrapper a = Annotation a Int

and so I want to be polymorphic over various tree types such as

  data FooTree a = Leaf a | Node (Wrapper1 (FooTree a))
                                 (Wrapper1 (FooTree a))

  data FooTree a = Leaf a | Node (Wrapper2 (FooTree a))
                                 (Wrapper2 (FooTree a))

  data FooTree a = Leaf a | Node (Wrapper1 (Wrapper2 (FooTree a)))
                                 (Wrapper1 (Wrapper2 (FooTree a)))

  data FooTree a = Leaf a | Node (Wrapper3 (Wrapper2 (FooTree a)))
                                 (Wrapper3 (Wrapper2 (FooTree a)))

and so on.  Roughly, think of the type of "f" typically looking like

    f :: WrapperA (WrapperB (... (WrapperZ (FooTree a)) ...)) -> FooTree a

and there are a whole bunch of different "f" functions of different types,
each intended to operate on trees with different sets of annotations.
I want treewalk to look very roughly like

    treewalk f (Leaf x) = hackleaf x
    treewalk f (Node p q) = hacknode (f p) (f q)

(actually it's much more complicated because f needs to process
annotations as well as extracting the subnode of type FooTree).
Many apologies for giving you a confusingly wrong example!
Thanks for taking me seriously.


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