> I heard that Visual Haskell is under development.
> Do you know when it is released? It will provide Haskell programmer an
> environment that is similar to Visual J++, Visual Basic, or...?

VisualHaskell is indeed under development. However, due to
licensing issues the release date is "somewhere next year".

VisualHaskell will provide you with integrated interpreter,
editor, project and compiler support; but it will be closer
to VisualC++ than for example VisualBasic (ie. not very visual :-)
(erik meijer 
For now, you might want to look at Koen Cleassens integration
with the "nedit" editor. This software can be found on haskell.org
under libraries and tools.

All the best,

> Besides, if you know, would you please tell me where we can 
> download Uniform Workbench? 
> (I found the paper about Uniform Workbench only)
> Thank you very much !
> Phan Dung.

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