Ross Paterson wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 03:18:34PM -0700, Joe Fasel wrote:
> > *Sigh*  And the language named in honor of Haskell Curry
> > for which Currying is not a valid transformation strikes
> > again!
> Worse, not only are the built-in product and function types lifted,
> but one can't define the unlifted ones.  Before Haskell 1.3, even though
> the built-in product was lifted, one could define pairs as an abstract
> type exporting functions to make pairs and extract their components,
> which would then behave as true products.  But then seq was introduced
> (and in Haskell 98 extended to type variables) so everything is lifted.
> Can we have extensional products and functions (or at least the means
> to define them) please?

Just to add my vote: Yes, please give us these!  I'm working on a program
transformation system for a subset of Haskell.  But it's not really a
subset of Haskell, it has true products and functions.  This is because
to do without them means either that I have to jettison lots of laws and 
equivalences or that I have to transform using "partial correctness" 
---equivalence modulo termination---rather than "total correctness": yuck).

Most people I've talked to consider lifted products a mistake.  
(This may not mean that most consider it a mistake, maybe only that 
those who have disagreed have not bothered to tell me so.)
Numerous others are unaware that products are lifted in Haskell!  
A while back, I asked John Peterson about the history of lifted products
in Haskell.  He told me that the decision was based on pragmatics 
(not semantics or efficiency): that it was simpler for implementations
to represent an n-tuple as an n-ary constructor than to add an extra
construct to the language (am I quoting you correctly, John?).

- Mark Tullsen

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