Dear Colleagues,

I apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message
and would be grateful if you could distribute the Summer School 
Call For Participation given below  
Best regards,

S. Sousa


              C A L L   F O R    P A R T I C I P A T I O N

                       INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL
                          ON APPLIED SEMANTICS

                  Caminha, Portugal, 9-15 September 2000



Programming languages are the basic tools with which all applications
of computers are built.  It is important, therefore, that they should
be well designed and well implemented. Achieving these goals requires
both a good theoretical understanding of programming language designs,
and practical skills in the development of high quality compilers.

The summer school is addressed to postgraduate students, researchers 
and industrials who want to learn about recent developments in programming 
language research, both in semantic theory and in implementation.

The programme will consist of introductory and advanced courses on the
following themes:  

- description of existing programming language features;

- design of new programming language features;

- implementation and analysis of programming languages;

- transformation and generation of programs;

- verification of programs.


The summer school is located in Caminha, a picturesque village by the 
sea and on the Rio Minho, on the northern border between Portugal and 


- Andrew Pitts, Cambridge University.
  Operational Semantics.
- John Hughes, Chalmers University, Eugenio Moggi, Genova University,
  and Nick Benton, Microsoft Research.
  Monads and Effects. 
- Pierre-Louis Curien, CNRS and Paris 7 University.
  Games and Abstract Machines. 
- Thierry Coquand, Chalmers University, and Gilles Barthe, INRIA.
  Dependent Types in Programming. 
- Olivier Danvy, BRICS and Peter Dybjer, Chalmers University.
  Normalization and Partial Evaluation.

- Cédric Fournet, Microsoft Research and Georges Gonthier, INRIA.
  Join Calculus: a model for distributed programming. 
- Xavier Leroy, INRIA, and Didier Rémy, INRIA. 
  Objects, Classes and Modules in Objective CAML. 
- Martin Odersky, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne.
  Functional Nets. 
- Abbas Edalat, Imperial College, and Achim Jung, Birmingham University.
  Exact Real Number Computation. 


The registration fees covers proceedings, full boarding, refreshments,
social events and a banquet:

- early registration (before April 21st)
   * single room: 120 000 PTE 
   * double room: 100 000 PTE
- late registration 
   * single room: 140 000 PTE
   * double room: 120 000 PTE

There is no deadline for late registration but accommodation is not 
guaranteed  if you applied after the 1st July 2000. 

See for
further information. 


Limited funds will be available for grants.  The deadline for
application for a grant is April 1st. You will receive notification of
acceptance/rejection by April 8th.  

To apply for a grant, see


For further information, please contact the organizing committee by

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