Thu, 10 Feb 2000 23:17:13 +1100 (EST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pisze:

> Could we please have lightweight extensible records for Haskell
> (as in the paper by (Mark|Simon Peyton) Jones in the 1999 Haskell
> Workshop).


I've read it. I don't understand why to separate concepts of rows
and record types, instead of having "a type which is known to be
a record type", at least on the level visible for the programmer.
So instead of
    type Point        r = (r | x::Int, y::Int)
    type Colored      r = (r | c::Color)
    type ColoredPoint r = Point (Colored r)
    p :: {ColoredPoint()}
    -- Point, Colored, ColoredPoint :: row -> row
it would be
    type Point        r = {r | x::Int, y::Int}
    type Colored      r = {r | c::Color}
    type ColoredPoint r = Point (Colored r)
    p :: ColoredPoint()
    -- Point, Colored, ColoredPoint :: recordType -> recordType
    -- where recordType is something like a subkind of *.

There is a typo on page 6,
    move :: (r\x, r\y) => Int -> Int ->  Point r  ->  Point r
It should be
    move :: (r\x, r\y) => Int -> Int -> {Point r} -> {Point r}
But it is not a typo when rows and records are more unified :-)

(Not to mention that I got used to () as a unit type...)


A minor problem. If tuples are records, field names should be such
that alphabetic order gives the sequential order of fields, or have
a special rule of field ordering for names of tuple fields...


In general I don't quite like the fact that records are getting more
anonymous. Magical instances of basic classes? How inelegant.

If I want the record type to have an identity, it will have to be
wrapped in a newtype, so I must think at the beginning if I will ever
want to write specialized insances for it and then all the code will
depend on the decision. Currently a datatype with named fields has
both an identity and convenient syntax of field access. (And why
newtype is not mentioned in section 5.1?)

I like name equivalence where it increases type safety. Extensible
records promote structural equivalence.

Unfortunately the proposal seems to increase the number of
irregularities and inelegant rules...

If expr.Constructor for a multiparameter constructor yields a tuple,
then for an unary constructor it should give a 1-tuple, no? I know
it would be extremely inconvenient, especially as newtypes are more
used, so I don't propose it, but it is getting less regular. What
about nullary constructors - empty tuple? :-)

I don't say that I don't like the proposal at all, or that I never
wanted to have several types with the same field names. But it is
not clean for me, it's a compromise between usability and elegance,
and from the elegance point of view I like current records more.

Maybe it would be helpful to show how to translate a program with
extensible records to a program without them (I guess it's possible
in a quite natural way, but requires global transformation of the
whole program).

 __("<    Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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