Does anybody know of (a set of) combinators describing the data flow
through functions? The most prominent representative in this resepct 
is probably composition ('.' in Haskell).

I read the following:
 Hopkins, 1994
     Hopkins, M. (1994). Laws of Form as a functional calculus. 
     Posted to the USEnet newsgroup sci.math Mar 13,
     1994 and updated to sci.logic Apr 21. 

     An attempt to translate LoF, the whole book, including the
meta-level canons, 
     principles and rules, into a
     functional language and categorical combinator system in the spirit
of CAML. 
     Author's Email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

But the above mentioned Email address is outdated.

Does anybody have further information about the Laws of Form?

 | Arne Bayer                   Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen |
 |                                Institut fuer Softwaretechnologie  |
 | eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                          |
 | WWW:   http://www2.informatik.unibw-muenchen.de/People/arne/      |

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