Simon Peyton-Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Good point.  My fault, I think, and now fixed in the head of
> the CVS tree.

Ah, the wonders of open source!

>  Workaround: put the fixity decls at top level.

Not a help sadly; there was a reason my original operators were local.

val = 3 +! 4 *! 2
    where (+!) = (+)
          (*!) = (*)

infixl 7 *!
infixl 6 +!

(*!) = 1 -- dummy defs
(+!) = 2

doesn't work in either hugs or ghc (and I didn't think it
would).  Never mind, I'll just bracket everything.

> Sorry about this

Not a big problem (he says now...).


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