We  attach  the  second  call  for contributions  for  the  2nd  Scottish
Functional Programming Workshop, to take  place from July 26th to 28th in
St Andrews.

*IMPORTANT NOTE* Participants  will be selected on the  basis of a 2-page
abstract, to be submitted to us by *April 14th* as noted on the web page.
If you are interested in attending  the workshop, please could you make a
note of this date in your diary now.

             [ ... usual apologies for multiple copies ... ]

                                SFP 2000

             Second Scottish Functional Programming Workshop
       University of St Andrews, Scotland, 26th to 28th July 2000

                         CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS

Following  on   from  the  success  of  the   First  Scottish  Functional
Programming Workshop, held in Stirling,  the second workshop will be held
at the  ancient University of  St Andrews, in  the Kingdom of  Fife, from
26th to 28th July 2000.

Central  Scotland  has  been  very  influential  in  the  development  of
functional programming, with  notable contributions including the design,
development  and implementation  of SASL,  Standard ML  and  Haskell.  At
present  there  are internationally  recognised  research  groups at  the
University  of Edinburgh, University  of Glasgow,  Heriot-Watt University
and the University of St  Andrews, investigating a variety of theoretical
and practical aspects of functional programming.  The Scottish Functional
Programming Workshops draw  on the strengths of these  and other Scottish
centres, and are the worthy  successor to the highly-successful series of
Glasgow Functional Programming Workshops which ran from 1988 to 1998.

The scope of the Workshops  covers all aspects of functional programming,
including (but not restricted to):
  . language design
  . proof and transformation
  . semantics and models
  . implementation
  . applications
  . type systems
  . parallelism and distribution
  . performance modelling & profiling
  . education
  . real time and reactive programming
  . programming methodologies

Participants  will be  selected  on the  basis  of a  two page  abstract.
Participation is  open, but if  the workshop is oversubscribed  then some
preference  may   be  shown   to  researchers  in   Scotland,  especially
postgraduate  students, and  to  those with  links  to Scottish  research

All  participants are  expected to  give  a short  presentation of  their
research.   Papers  from  all  participants  will  appear  in  the  draft
proceedings.  A  fully refereed proceedings  will be published as  a book
after the workshop.

                                KEY DATES

  Abstract Submission:    14th April
  Abstract Notification:  30th April
  Registration Deadline:  16th June
  Submission of Paper:    14th July
  Workshop:               26th to 28th July

                           ABSTRACT SUBMISSION

Please send  your abstract  in plain text,  PostScript or PDF  format to:
                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]


General organisation will be coordinated by Kevin Hammond and Tony Davie,
with  Álvaro  Rebón Portillo  handling  local  arrangements; and  Stephen
Gilmore (Edinburgh University) acting as programme chair; assisted by the
standing Advisory Committee, which at present consists of:

  Murray Cole           University of Edinburgh
  Sharon Curtis         University of Stirling
  Tony Davie            University of St Andrews
  Stephen Gilmore       University of Edinburgh
  Kevin Hammond         University of St Andrews
  Hans-Wolfgang Loidl   Heriot-Watt University
  Greg Michaelson       Heriot-Watt University
  John O'Donnell        University of Glasgow
  Roopa Rangaswami      University of Edinburgh
  Perdita Stevens       University of Edinburgh
  Phil Trinder          Heriot-Watt University

                           FURTHER INFORMATION

                        Álvaro J. Rebón Portillo
                       School of Computer Science
                  University of St Andrews, North Haugh
                  St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9SS, Scotland
                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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