Sven Panne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> Regarding 1. Mapping Haskell types to C types:
> ===========================================================================
> 2) It should be *guaranteed* that HsStablePtr and HsAddr are mapped to
>    void* for the reason mentioned by Manuel. Nevertheless, these types are
>    not useless, they serve as documentation what the pointer should mean.

In fact, as Fergus just convinced me, it is sufficient to
guarantee that they are either defined to be `T *' for any
`T'.  ANSI C guarantees that any pointer can be converted to 
`void *' and back without loss of information (K&R Appendix

This opens the possibility to suggest (or at least tolerate)
the trick of using incomplete structs for generating unique
type names in C land.  This appears to be a promising method
to get some more consistency checking from the C compiler,
and so I think, we should not rule this technique out.

> 3) If ISO C has long long (don't know, my copy of Harbison/Steele doesn't
>    mention it), Int64/Word64 should be made mandatory.

IMHO, let's forget about ISO for the moment.  If we have a
clean proposal conforming to ANSI C, we can start a second
round - if we are really keen - and take on the ISO stuff.
But one thing after the other.

> 5) Let's explicitly state that Hs{Int,Word}{8,16,32,64} and ISO C's
>    {,u}int{8,16,32,64}_t are the same. Having the HsFoo names around is
>    nevertheless handy because it is not clear to me what #include one can
>    use in a portable way (e.g. there is no stdint.h on HP-UX 10.20).

Yep, let's define our own names.  #define's are cheap :-)
(Ok, typedefs if you insist...)

> 6) Add HsBool with a mapping to an arbitrary integral C type, see Fergus'
>    point about a Haskell API. (Should we guarantee that False maps to 0 and
>    True to something <>0?)

We don't make any guarantees for the mapping of Haskell
_values_ to C _values_ for any other type.  Why for Bool?
In the spirit of the limits for numerals, we could provide
`HsFalse' and `HsTrue'.

> Regarding 2. Mapping C types to Haskell types:
> ===========================================================================
> 1) Add the following type synonyms to module FFI (if there is no
>    corresponding Haskell type, the implementation should use the "closest"
>    one):
>    Haskell type |     C type
>    -------------+-------------------
>    CLLong       | long long
>    CULLong      | unsigned long long
>    CLDouble     | long double

Closest?  And do what if a marshalled value does not fit?
Core dump?  Or print an error message, ``Hohoho, you fool
thought you can write a portable binding???''

We could have compliant and weakly compliant
implementations, where the latter are those not implementing
some of this stuff (but they guarantee that they comply to
the `core' features).

> 2) The ANSI types are a little bit more complicated than I thought. So here
>    is my first shot:
Yep, I agree with all that you said there.

> 3) I don't think that we should care about this ancient far/near pointer
>    stuff. It is already enough that there are different calling conventions
>    on Windows platforms.

Some people always have be an exception... ;-)


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