Wy not load the list as program? E.g.
list1 =
list2 = words "word1 word2 word3"
list3 = words
 \ word1\
 \ word2\
 \ word3\

John Atwood
Lars Lundgren wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Apr 2000, Hamilton Richards wrote:
> > The Gofer prelude had a function
> > 
> >     openfile :: String -> String
> > 
> > which mapped file path names to strings containing the named files' contents.
> > 
> > The Hugs98 Prelude doesn't seem to have anything like that function.
> > Instead, it has things like
> > 
> >     readFile :: String -> IO String
> > 
> > Why would I want openfile instead of readFile? The problem in which the
> > need for openfile arose is this:
> > 
> >    I want to load a binary search tree and a list with
> >    words read from a file, and then perform, interactively,
> >    several tests comparing the cost of searching the
> >    tree with that of searching the list. In addition to
> >    performing the tests interactively, I want to separate
> >    the cost of searching the list and the tree from the
> >    cost of constructing them.
> > 
> > In order for the list and the tree to be used in several successive
> > command-line evaluations without being reconstructed each time, they must
> > be named globally. This is no problem with openfile, but readFile forces
> > their names to be local to an IO command.
> > 
> Why is this a problem? After all, the names ARE dependent on IO.
> > Can anyone suggest a solution?
> >
> I do not understand the problem.
> Is it something like this you want?
> parseTree :: String -> Tree
> parseList :: String -> List
> buildTree:: IO Tree
> buildTree = do f <- readFile "thetree"
>                return (parseTree f)
> buildList:: IO List
> buildList = do f <- readFile "thelist"
>                return (parseList f)          
> test :: IO()
> test = do tree <- buildTree
>           list <- buildList
>           dowhateverYouwant_interactive_or_not tree list
> dowhateverYouwant_interactive_or_not :: Tree -> List -> IO()
> /Lars L

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