Mike Jones writes:
 > I am having a problem with a derived class. I define:
 > class (Monad m) => InstrumentMonad m where
 >      yuck :: a -> m a
 > Then I define:
 > instance InstrumentMonad Vi where                  (Line 30)
 >      return a = Vi (\s -> (s, a))
 >      Vi sf0 >>= f =
 >              Vi $ \s0 -> 
 >                      let
 >                              (s1, a1) = sf0 s0
 >                              Vi sf1 = f a1
 >                              (s2, a2) = sf1 s1
 >                      in (s2, a2)
 > And when I compile, I get the error:
 > Vi.hs:30:
 >     No instance for `Monad Vi'
 >     arising from an instance declaration at Vi.hs:30
 > Vi.hs:31: Class `InstrumentMonad' does not have a method `return'
 > Vi.hs:32: Class `InstrumentMonad' does not have a method `>>='

You need to define the methods for class Monad (return, >>=) in an instance
for class Monad, and the methods for class InstrumentMonad (yuck) in an
instance for class InstrumentMonad.

Frank Atanassow, Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University
Padualaan 14, PO Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands
Tel +31 (030) 253-1012, Fax +31 (030) 251-3791

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