I am sorry for my misunderstanding.
Last 1-2 years several people advised me, concerning  basAlgPropos,
to present publicly the implementation of this library.
And only several days ago I have realized or recalled that it is
possible to replace some algebraic part of Prelude-98 with the 
user prelude. Someone, - thanks for the help, - had confirmed 
this recently: use       import qualified Prelude
                         import MyPrelude

Probably, this makes the implementation easy.
A small problem remains, for example, with the code like
       case xs 
         [Prelude.Just]              -> [Prelude.True]
         (Prelude.Just) Prelude.: xs -> Prelude.Nothing Prelude.: ys

I expect, it would not be good to repeat the definitions of  
                data Maybe,  data Bool
in MyPrelude.
Because using some  Prelude.foo  would use  Prelude.Bool.
Probably, some preprocessor is needed to convert
                                             True  --> Prelude.True,
                                             `:'   --> Prelude.: 
Who could advise, please?

Thank you in advance for the help.

Sergey Mechveliani

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