On 15-May-2000, S.D.Mechveliani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am again stuck. Who could help, please?
>    module T 
>    where  
>    import Prelude ( tail, (.) )   -- List(..) ?

At first glance, I didn't see what the problem was.
But having tried it myself, I see why you're having difficulty.
There's simply no valid syntax in Haskell 98 for naming
the list type constructor (`[]') in a module import or
export list!

Following the grammar in the Haskell 98 Report,

 :    exports -> ( export1 , ... , exportn [ , ] )   (n>=0)
 :    export -> qvar
 :    | qtycon [(..) | ( qcname1 , ... , qcnamen )]   (n>=0)
 :    | qtycls [(..) | ( qvar1 , ... , qvarn )]   (n>=0)
 :    | module modid
 :    qcname -> qvar | qcon
 :    qtycon -> [modid .] tycon
 :    tycon -> conid 
 :    conid -> large {small | large | digit | ' }

we see that the name of a (possibly qualified) type constructor
in an export list is a `qtycon', which is an optionally module
qualified `tycon', which is just a `conid', and a `conid'
is just an identifier starting with a capital letter.
The same is true for module imports.

The problem is that although the grammar for types includes a
nonterminal `gtycon' which includes syntax for various special type

 :    gtycon -> qtycon
 :    | () (unit type)
 :    | [] (list constructor)
 :    | (->) (function constructor)
 :    | (,{,}) (tupling constructors)

the grammar for import and export lists use `tycon'
and `qtycon' (respectively) rather than `gtycon'.

Is there any particular reason for this, or is this
just a defect in the Haskell 98 report?
Would changing `qtycon' to `gtycon' in the
grammar production for `export' cause any problems?
Likewise, how about changing `tycon' in the grammar
production for `import' to say `gutycon', defined by

   gutycon -> tycon
   | () (unit type)
   | [] (list constructor)
   | (->) (function constructor)
   | (,{,}) (tupling constructors)


For Haskell implementations that follow the report,
I don't see any easy work-around for this problem.
The only thing you can do is to use `import qualified Prelude'
rather than `import Prelude(...)'.

The good news is that ghc (4.04) does not follow the Haskell 98
report -- it accepts the following code, apparently as an
extension to Haskell 98 (even without `-fglasgow-exts'):

        module Example(Prelude.[](..)) where
        import Prelude([](..))

Similarly, it also accepts

        module Example(Prelude.[]((:), [])) where
        import Prelude([]((:), []))

Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh>  |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]        |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

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