We welcome applications from programming language persons and "functional"
persons to our open positions!

Lennart Edblom
Umeå University, Sweden

Umeå university is a comprehensive institution of higher learning,
enrolling almost 25000 students, and offering undergraduate and graduate
degrees in over 80 areas. The Department of Computing Science offers both
undergraduate and doctoral degrees, with approximately 450 undergraduate
majors and 20 doctoral students.

The Department of Computing Science now invites applications for the
following positions:

* Senior Lecturer in Computing Science, two positions
(Ref no 3152-646-00)

Appointment is with tenure; the level is roughly equivalent to associate
professor in the USA. The positions require a doctoral degree in computer
science, or a closely related area.

A major responsibility will be instruction in one or more core areas of
computing science, including networks and communication, distributed
systems, operating systems, architecture, virtual reality, database
systems, programming languages, software systems, high-performance and
parallel computing, scientific computing.

The positions also involve a substantial commitment to research. For a
period of at least three years, the teaching load will be no more than
three courses per year, plus direction of undergraduate theses and/or
doctoral research.

* Assistant Professor, High-Performance and Scientific Computing
(Ref no 3152-1099-00)

The successful candidate is will work in collaboration with existing
research groups at the Department of Computing Science and the High
Performance Computing Center North (www.hpc2n.umu.se). The primary duty of
this position is to pursue research. In addition the successful candidate
is expected to do some undergraduate teaching, to assist in supervising
graduate students and preferably also in attracting research grants.

* Assistant Professor, Computing Science and Applied Mathematics
(Ref no 3152-986-00)
* Assistant Professor, Computing Science and Applied Mathematics
(directed to women, Ref no 3152-989-00)

Priority is given to he following subject areas, but other areas are not
* data communication and distributed systems
* virtual reality and scientific visualization
* software, interaction and cognition
* parallel and scientific computing
* signal processing/time series analysis
* bioinformatics
* computer intensive statistical methods.

In order to qualify for the positions as assistant professor you should
have a doctoral degree (or equivalent), which preferably is not more than
five years old. The position is for two years,  normally with two years

For more information, as well as details on how to apply, consult the
information contained at the home page of the department,
http://www.cs.umu.se/index.eng.html, or else contact the department
chairman, Lennart Edblom, [EMAIL PROTECTED], or professor Patrik Eklund,
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  professor Bo Kågström, [EMAIL PROTECTED], or professor
Per-Åke Wedin, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  .

Lennart Edblom................................e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Computing Science...............Tel: +46 90 786 6137
University of Umea........................... Fax: +46 90 786 6126
S-901 87 Umea, Sweden

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