Hi Marcin,

| module M where
| class Seq s a | s -> a where
|     m :: Seq s b => (a -> b) -> s a -> s b

This combination of constructor classes and functional dependencies
looks very odd!  The dependency says that, if you pick a particular
implementation s of sequences, then there will be at most one choice
for the element type a.  I can have lists of Char or lists of Int,
but not both together!

Perhaps you wanted something more like the following:

  class Seq s a | s -> a where
      m :: Seq t b => (a -> b) -> s -> t

Note that the kinds have changed here; s and t are both of kind *,
not * -> * as before.  The trouble with this version is that it
doesn't require/ensure that you've used the same form of sequence
for both s and t.  The parametric type classes folks had an answer
for this in the form of a constraint s ~ t requiring that the two
types had "the same outermost constructor", but I don't think it
was really a good solution either.

| instance Seq PS Char where
|     m f (PS s) = PS (map f s)
| This is not accepted by Hugs:

Rightly so.  With this definition, you've promised that the element
type corresponding to PS will be Char, which means that you can't
have a different element type in the returned collection!

Hope this helps!

All the best,

  • Fundeps Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
    • Mark P Jones

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