
On Fri, Jun 23, 2000 at 09:52:53AM -0700, Mark P Jones wrote:
> [...]

> Hugs is also quite old; it's core goes back nearly ten years!
> With a more "modern" interface, we might solve the interface
> dilemma by arranging for fully qualified names, types, etc. to
> pop up in a "tooltip" when the user mouses over an identifier
> in an error message.  Perhaps other people can suggest more
> modest proposals for making intelligent choice of qualifying
> prefixes that would fit in more directly with the existing
> framework.

Please don't make hugs into a Windows only thingy (or X only,
for that respect). While I don't do real projects with Haskell,
I still like using hugs from the OpenBSD text console (or screen
or a remote login). So also please don't make reasonable usage
dependant on graphics.

> [...]
> developers to get the job done on their own.  I'm convinced
> that the only way we will ever have truly excellent tools is
> by working on them together as a community.

That's true in principle, however not everyone doing things
with Haskell are able to grok something like the ghc source
code; when I tried reading some of it, I didn't understand
very much, even though I've read some papers about ghc's
translation techniques, just for an example. Yes, I might
find the hugs source easier to understand, however there's
a significant threshold even there, I think.

> All the best,
> Mark

The same for you and all other implementors and Haskellers.

Kind regards,


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