>         I have never submitted any request to the maintainers
>         of www.haskell.org to place links to my modules. Yet,
>         several of them are there, and that tells me that either John
>         or Olaf does occasional scan of messages from this
>         list and update the pages from time to time. 

The latter is exactly what I do and how 99% of the information about
tools and libraries were collected. The main page of haskell.org asks
for information about projects, compilers, papers, classes, or anything
else but we hardly receive any. This is why I am rather wary about
putting much effort into any automatic submission and updating scheme
(maybe I should put a simple form there which just forwards any
information to John and me via email? ;-). And if you want to know if a
library is still supported/further developed, then just click on the
link and look at the web page for the library. If it talks about Haskell
1.2 and plans for 1995 you know what (not) to expect.

Unfortunately many libraries and tools do not even have proper web pages
to link to from haskell.org (Michal Weber, are you listening? ;-).
Simon, can you tell me how I shall link to hslibs, especially each
individual library? Obviously a user would also like to download a
single library. Are the URLs stable?

I do not want to sound too negative. I am always happy about suggestions
for improving haskell.org (especially if they do not imply too much work
;-). And I completely agree that supported libraries should somehow be
more visible.

I didn't update haskell.org for a few month because I had to finish my
thesis, move to York and start a new project here. But I will update the
pages with all the stuff that accumulated in the meantime very soon.


 Dept. of Computer Science, University of York, York YO10 5DD, UK. 
 URL: http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/~olaf/
 Tel: +44 1904 434756; Fax: +44 1904 432767

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