I would start by splitting the problem up

tupleSum :: [Int]-> (Int, Int)
tupleSum     xs  =  (neg, pos)
                                where neg = ... SOME EXPRESSION INVOLVING xs
                                        pos = sum [ x | x <- xs , x > 0] 

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 03 August 2000 16:21
> Subject: Query
> Hi,
> Would mind asnswring the following :
> Write a Haskell function tupleSum of type
>     tupleSum :: [Int]-- (Int, Int)
> that given a list of integers:
> @separetes all negatives from the list and then add -1 to 
> each element of this sub-list;
> @sum all elements of the list of negatives and sum all 
> elements of the list of positives and return these in a tuple
> Thanking you in advance for your assistance        
> --------------------
> talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at 

  • Query mohamed_hassan
    • Chris Angus

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