DrScheme for Haskell (DrHaskell?) would indeed be nice.
Any takers? :-)


> But some critique is still left (regarding Haskell). The programming environments are
> not very "beginner" friendly. I have to say that e.g Common Lisp is
> thousands of miles ahead. The documentation for the Prelude functions
> are IMHO bad too. (BTW they are nearly non-existant). Interfacing to
> other programs seems to be weaker too.
> What I found extremly intresting about Haskell is that you get
> extremly much done in just a few lines. It's not alway easy to me to
> understand such a dense code, but I guess training will help improving
> on it. And sometimes the solutions are extremly elegant, even in
> comparison to Eiffel (which I know quite well) ;-)
> I would really appriciate simular efforts as one can find e.g in
> DrScheme for Haskell. DrScheme is IMHO one of the nicest IDEs for
> learning Scheme. The online documentation is quite well and the
> examples are well choosen. I can imagine that it's not easiy or
> honorable to do, but I as a beginner would really appriciate
> improvements in that area.
> With best regards
> Friedrich

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