>>>>> "Fergus" == Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Fergus> Basically there is no way to do this in Haskell.  About the
    Fergus> best you can do is to create your own `EqMonad' class, which is
    Fergus> like `Monad' except that it has an `Eq a' constraint on the
    Fergus> type variable.  Then use `EqMonad' instead of `Monad'.  You
    Fergus> can't use the `do' syntax, and you can't reuse the library
    Fergus> routines that work on Monads.

Ok, thanks, I can redo the do. But this does strike me as a flaw in the
language. What would the ramifications be for an accomodation as such? Surely
not so drastic as the dependent type thingy.



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