Ketil Malde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I guess I owe it to the list to elaborate on my stupidity here.

> Unfortunately, and I'm going to agree with graham here, the resulting
> program uses a lot of memory (parsing about one meg of HTML, producing 
> about 200K of results makes my 128Mb machine suffer), and I get a
> run-time error[1] if I feed it too much data.

> [1] Prelude.(!!) index too large.  Sounds almost entirely, but not
> quite, unlike out of memory.  Anybody know?

Well, it said index too large, but what was really meant was that my
list was too short.  So what I thought a problem rising from the
depths of the libraries, turned out to be a simple "error" case in th
ePrelude. A quick glance in the Prelude was enough to
establish that, and consequently, I found an error in my input data,
which I added handling for, and the error was history.

Apologies to the GHC people who obviously write much better code  
than I.   And now that the error is fixed, the run-time behaviour
(i.e. memory consumption) seems much better, too.  Go figure.

(The only complaint left, is that GHC is dog slow, but I don't really
care - I use Hugs for quick type checking, and turn to GHC for real
error messages and run-time testing)

(And, of course, that output appeared to be truncated at some
arbitrary buffer limit - it would have been helpful if buffers were
flushed before the error was reported and execution aborted.  Two
complaints, then.)

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

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