Hi Mark, 

Thanks for your reply.

| | Arguments in favour:
| |     - It's more like term-variable pattern matching
| Term variables in a pattern are binding occurrences, but type 
| variables are not.  Making the latter look more like the 
| former would appear to be a recipe for unnecessary confusion 
| given that that they are actually different.

Why do you say "type variables are not"?.  When I say

        f x = e

I mean "inside e, use x as the name for whatever value is 
passed as argument to f".

Under what Marcin proposes 

        f (x::a) = e

would mean "inside (type signatures in) e, use a as the name for
whatever type is the type of the argument passed to f".

When you say there's a good theoretical foundation (typed lambda
calcului) I think you are imagining that when we say

        f (x::a) = e

we are saying "There's a /\a as well as a \x::a in this definition".  In
case it would certainly be wrong to allow
        f :: Int -> Int
        f (x::a) = e

But I'm suggesting something different

* Place the big lambdas wherever they would be now (i.e. not influenced
   by the position of (x::a) type signatures.

* Explain the pattern type signatures as let-bindings for types.  Thus
  we might translate f to system-F like this:

        f = \x::T -> let-type a = T in e

I've use let-type here, but one could equally well say (/\a -> e) T.

This (admittedly informal) translation works fine if T happens to be
for exampe; i.e. x's type is not universally quantified.  

In short, the pattern type signature is used solely to bind names to
and not for universal quantification.  I want to have a slightly more
let-type, thus:

        g :: (Int,Bool) -> Int
        g (x::(a,b)) = e

translates to

        g = \x::(Int,Bool) -> let-type (a,b) = (Int,Bool) in e

But notice that the RHS of a pattern-matching let-type is statically
guaranteed to have the right shape.  So I don't allow

        let-type (a,b) = c in ...

(where c is  a type variable).  So it's just syntactic sugar, like
let-type itself,
and I could equally well write

        g = \x::(Int,Bool) -> let-type a = Int; b = Bool in e

OK, so there are two questions
a) does that answer the question about the techincal foundation
b) is it a good design from a software engineering point of view

I hope the answer to (a) is yes, but I realise that opinions may differ
about (b).

I thought this might be of general enough interest to be worth
continuing to cc the
Haskell list.


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