>     Hi,
>            I'd like to know if there's any Hugs compatible library with
> functionalities to send mail.

I don't think so. If all you want to do is send mail from within an haskell 
program why not just make system calls. I did something like that a long time 
ago. I've sent you the module in attachment.

(suposed to work in *nixes)

> import System

Este ficheiro contem fucoes para eu enviar mails aos meus alunos
> type Mail = String

Mails das Turmas P3 e P4 - posso ter que alterar para filtrar alunos
> mails_P3 :: [Mail]
> mails_P3 =  ["mp0" ++ show(n) ++ "@mat.uc.pt" | n <- [301.. 336] ]

> mails_P4 :: [Mail]
> mails_P4 =  ["mp0" ++ show(n) ++ "@mat.uc.pt" | n <- [401.. 407] ]

Mails das minhas turmas Praticas
> mails_TP :: [Mail]
> mails_TP =  mails_P3 ++ mails_P4

Enviar mails:
> type Subject = String
> type Path    = String
> type Message = String

Envia dados:
- Subject da mensagem
- Path do ficheiro com a mensagem 
- Endereco de e-mail

Envia o mail com subj. e mensagens dadas para o endereco.
> sendmail :: Subject -> Path -> Mail -> IO ExitCode
> sendmail sub msgfile e_mail
>     = do 
>       --putStrLn(comando)
>       system( comando ) 
>       where comando = "mail -s \"" ++ sub ++"\" "++ e_mail ++ " < " ++ msgfile 

> send_to_list :: Subject -> Path -> [Mail] -> IO [ExitCode]
> send_to_list sub msgfile e_mails
>     = do
>	sequence (map (sendmail sub msgfile) e_mails) 

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