| type Generic i o = forall x. i x -> o x
| type Id x = x
| comb :: 
|         (Generic Id Id)
|      -> (Generic Id Id)   
|      -> (Generic Id Id)   
| comb = undefined

| So now let's ask for the type of comb in ghc.
| It turns out to be the rank-1 (!!!) type I captured as 
| explicit type annotation for comb'. I would have expected a 
| rank-2 type because the forall is scoped by the type synonym 
| Generic. So why should I like to see the forall going to the 
| top? I still would say that THIS IS A BUG. Here is why the 

Yes, indeed this is a bug.  Thank you for finding it.  It turned out
that in liberalising GHC's treatment of type synonyms (which you
remark is a good thing) I had failed to cover a case.   Fortunately,
an ASSERT caught the bug in my build, and the fix is easy.

| yacomb1 :: (forall x. x -> x) 
|       -> (forall x. x -> x) 
|       -> (forall x. x -> x) 
| yacomb1 =  (.)
| yacomb2 :: forall x y z. (x -> x) -> (y -> y) -> (z -> z)
| yacomb2 = undefined
| Now let's try to define yacomb2 in terms of yacomb1, that is:
| yacomb2 = yacomb1
| This works. Let us not wonder why.

We should wonder why.  It's plain wrong.  yacomb1's type signature
is more restrictive than that of yacomb2.   This is a bug in the 5.03
snapshot, which fortunately I fixed a week or two ago.  The compiler
in the respository rejects the definition.

Bottom line: you found two bugs, for which much thanks.  But I stand
by forall-lifting!   (But note that the foralls are lifted only from
the arrow, not before.   (forall a.a->a) -> Int   is not the same as
(forall a.  (a->a) -> Int).)

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