Submission Deadline: March 21, 2002
             The First ACM SIGPLAN/SIGSOFT Conference on
               Generators and Components (GCSE/SAIG'02)
          Supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF)
                  Pittsburgh, PA, October 6-8, 2002.

Invited Speakers:
* Neil Jones, University of Denmark
* Catuscia Palamidessi, Penn State University
* Janos Sztipanovits, Vanderbilt University
Program generation has the prospect of being an integral part of a
wide range of software development processes. Many recent studies
investigate different aspects of program generation, including their
semantics, their application, and their implementation. Existing
theories and systems address both high-level (source) language and
low-level (machine) language generation. A number of programming
languages now support program generation and manipulation, with
different goals, implementation techniques, and targeted at different
applications. The goal of this conference is to provide a meeting
place for researchers and practitioners interested in this topic.
A particular area of interest is component-based software development,
which bears the promise of considerable productivity increases to
software development comparable to the introduction of the assembly
line in manufacturing. But due to the very same sophistication that
makes components useful, their maintenance can be hard.  Generative
programming presents a promising approach to alleviating the above
problems, as changes affecting components can now be more effectively
managed during the generation process rather than at the component
The goal of this joint event is to foster further cross-fertilization
between the software engineering research community on the one hand,
and the programming languages community on the other, in addition to
supporting the original research goals of both GCSE and SAIG
communities. We seek papers both in software engineering and
programming languages, and especially those that bridge the gap. Being
accessible to both communities at the same time is also valued.
The conference solicits submissions related (but not limited) to:
   * Generative Programming: Reuse, meta-programming, partial
        multi-stage and multi-level languages,
   * Semantics, type systems, symbolic computation, linking and explicit
        substitution, in-lining and macros, templates, program
   * Runtime code generation, compilation, active libraries, synthesis
        specifications, development methods, generation of non-code
        formal methods.  Reflection.
   * Component-Based Software Engineering: Reuse, distributed platforms,
        distributed systems, evolution, analysis and design patterns,
        development methods, formal methods
   * Integration of Generative and Component-Based Approaches
   * Domain Engineering, analysis, and languages
   * Separation of Concerns: Aspect-Oriented Programming, Intentional
   * Programming, and Multi-Dimensional Separation of Concerns
   * Product Lines and generic architectures for that purpose.
   * Industrial Applications of Components and Generative Programming
Reports on applications of these techniques to real-world problems are
especially encouraged, as are submissions that relate ideas and
concepts from several of these topics, or bridge the gap between
theory and practice. The program committee is happy to advise on the
appropriateness of a particular subject.

General Chair:
      Walid Taha, Yale University, USA.
Program Chair (GCSE focus):
      Don Batory, University of Texas at Austin, USA.
Program Chair (SAIG focus):
      Charles Consel, INRIA, LaBRI, France.
Program Committee (GCSE focus):
      Jan Bosch , University of Groningen
      Greg Butler, Concordia University
      Prem Devanbu, University of California at Davis
      Cristina Gacek, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
      Stan Jarzabek, National University of Singapore
      Kyo Kang, Pohang University of Science and Technology
      Peter Knauber, Fraunhofer Institute
       for Experimental Software Engineering
      Hausi Muller, University of Victoria
      Nenad Medvidovic, University of Southern California
      Wolfgang Pree, University of Constance
      Yannis Smaragdakis, Georgia Institute of Technology
      Douglas R. Smith , Kestrel Institute
Program Committee (SAIG focus):
      Craig Chambers, University of Washington
      Shigeru Chiba, Tokyo Institute of Technology
      Pierre Cointe, Ecole des Mines de Nantes
      Dawson Engler, Stanford University
      Siau cheng Khoo, National University of Singapore
      Gregor Kiczales, University of British Columbia
      Martin Odersky, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
      Calton Pu, Georgia Institute of Technology
      Peter Thiemann, Universität Freiburg
      Andrew Tolmach, Portland State University
Submission Details: Authors are invited to submit papers of at most
5000 words (excluding figures), in postscript format (letter or A4),
using the electronic submission form by March 21st, 2002. This
deadline is firm. Both position and technical papers are welcome
(Please indicate at time of submission.) Authors will be notified of
acceptance by May 14th, 2002.  Final version of the papers must be
submitted by July 14, 2002.
Format: The three day conference will contain slots for technical
papers (45 minutes) and position papers (30 minutes). Both times
include discussion.  Position papers are expected to describe
important future directions, ongoing work, and survey previous
results. This category is best thought of as one for "competitive
invited papers".  Technical papers are expected to contain novel
results.  All papers will be reviewed by the program committee for the
above-mentioned criteria, in addition to correctness and clarity.
Simultaneous submission to other venues is not allowed, as is
submission of previously published material. In addition, there will
be time allocated for open discussions at the end of the conference.
Proceedings will be published as an LNCS volume.
Special Note on Combined Event: While the Program Committee is divided
into two focus areas corresponding the parent events (GCSE and SAIG),
there will be one unified program committee meeting.  At the time of
submission, authors must indicate whether they intend the paper for
the GCSE audience, SAIG audience, or BOTH.  The last category is the
default, and is strongly encouraged.  Papers submitted explicitly to
only one focus will be accepted or rejected by the respective Program
Chair.  For papers submitted to BOTH, it is enough that one of the two
Program Chairs accepts the paper.  All members of the PC will allowed
to bid for and review all papers, and cross-bidding is encouraged.
The conference itself will not be divided along focus lines.  Rather,
an attempt will be made to ensure that each session is of interest to
both parent communities.
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