Hi All,

I thought I was starting to get my head around the whole tying the knot
phenomenon, but when my program produced "*** Exception: <<loop>>" I
figured I was probably missing something :).

Here's what I'm trying to do (I know I could do it without tying the knot,
but that seemed like a reasonable approach and I wanted to get my hands
dirty or feat wet):

I'm reading in a file; that is I have a function String ->
MyDataType.  More specifically I'm reading in a Tree, and the tree is
specified in the file with these "Subtree" fields.  So you can be reading
along in the tree and then instead of actually seeing a branch or leaf,
you'll see somethign like "[S1]" which means "stick subtree S1 in
here".  later in the file (arbitrarily later), you will see something like
"Subtree [S1]" and then following that is that tree.

So what I did was I changed my function to a String -> [(String,Tree)] ->
(Tree, [(String,Tree)] function where the list is a lookup for the
subtrees.  I then said:

readTrees s = let (t, st) = readTrees' s st in t

and then the readTrees' basically read the tree in as normal; except when
it gets to something like "[S1]" it does lookup "[S1]" subTrees to get the
subtree and then when it gets to "Subtree [S1]" it reads in the subtree
and then adds it to the subtree list.

Is this not an appropriate use of tying the knot or amd I just doing
something wrong?  I've attached my code if you want to read it; It's
marginally more complex that I've written here jsut because of some of the
idiosyncracies in the file format...

 - Hal

Hal Daume III

 "Computer science is no more about computers    | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  than astronomy is about telescopes." -Dijkstra | www.isi.edu/~hdaume
module DecisionTree

import IO
import List

data DecisionTree 
    = Test String String String DecisionTree DecisionTree
    | Value String Double Double
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Read)

readDecisionTree :: String -> DecisionTree
readDecisionTree s = 
    let (_, wholeTree, subTrees) = readDecisionTree' False subTrees (filter (/=[]) 
(lines s))
    in  wholeTree

readDecisionTree' :: Bool -> [(String,DecisionTree)] -> [String] -> ([String], 
DecisionTree, [(String,DecisionTree)])
readDecisionTree' _ subTrees [] = ([], Value "" 0 0, subTrees)
readDecisionTree' areValue subTrees (x:xs) =
    let (lineDepth, lineType, values') = readLine x
        subTreesX = if xs /= [] && "Subtree" `isPrefixOf` head xs
                      then readSubTrees subTrees xs
                      else subTrees
        (xs',   lhs,   subTrees')   = readDecisionTree' False subTreesX  xs
        (xs'' , rhs,   subTrees'')  = readDecisionTree' False subTrees' xs'
        (xs''', other, subTrees''') = readDecisionTree' True  subTreesX  xs
        values = values' ++ ["0.0"]
    in  if lineType   -- are we a value
          then if areValue
                 then (xs,    Value (values !! 3) (read (values !! 4)) (read (values 
!! 5)), subTreesX)
                 else (xs''', Test (values !! 0) (values !! 1) (values !! 2) 
                                (Value (values !! 3) (read (values !! 4)) (read 
(values !! 5)))
          else if '[' == head (last values')   -- are we a subtree?
                 then case lookup (last values') subTreesX of
                        Nothing -> error "could not find subtree"
                        Just dt -> (xs'', Test (values !! 0) (values !! 1) (values !! 
2) dt lhs, subTrees')
                 else (xs'', Test (values !! 0) (values !! 1) (values !! 2) lhs rhs, 

readSubTrees subTrees [] = subTrees
readSubTrees subTrees (x:xs)
    | "Subtree" `isPrefixOf` x =
        let name = (words x) !! 1
            treeDef = takeWhile (\x -> not ("Subtree" `isPrefixOf` x)) xs
            rest    = dropWhile (\x -> not ("Subtree" `isPrefixOf` x)) xs
            (_, thisDT, _) = readDecisionTree' False subTrees treeDef
        in  readSubTrees ((name,thisDT):subTrees) xs

readLine :: String -> (Int,Bool,[String])  -- True = Value, False = Test
readLine s = (length (elemIndices '|' s), ')' `elem` s, vals)
    where vals = words $
                 map (\x -> if x `elem` ":()/" then ' ' else x) $
                 dropWhile (`elem` "| ") s

simpleDT = 
   ["localDefCountSum <= 4 : p (101.0/6.0)",
    "localDefCountSum > 4 : u (7.0)"]

simpleDT2 = [
    "isArgument0 = t: u (33.0/1.4)",
    "isArgument0 = f:",
    "|   isArgument1 = f: u (9.0/1.3)",
    "|   isArgument1 = t:",
    "|   |   isRecursive1 = t: s (945.0/39.8)",
    "|   |   isRecursive1 = f: u (2.0/1.0)"]

Test "isArgument0" "=" "t" 
  (Value "u" 33.0 1.4) 
  (Test "isArgument0" "=" "f" 
    (Test "isArgument1" "=" "f" 
      (Value "u" 9.0 1.3) 
      (Test "isArgument1" "=" "t" 
        (Test "isRecursive1" "=" "t" 
          (Value "s" 945.0 39.8) 
          (Value "u" 2.0 1.0)) 
        (Value "" 0.0 0.0))) 
    (Value "" 0.0 0.0))

simpleDT3 = [
    "isArgument0 = t: u (33.0/1.4)",
    "isArgument0 = f:",
    "|   isArgument1 = f :[S1]",
    "|   isArgument1 = t:",
    "|   |   isRecursive1 = t: s (945.0/39.8)",
    "|   |   isRecursive1 = f: u (2.0/1.0)",
    "Subtree [S1]",
    "localDefCount <= 15 : u (281.0/1.4)",
    "localDefCount > 15 : s (139.0/11.8)"]

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