--- Claus Reinke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> would still be nice if
>   the status information collected there would make
> its way into the
>   libraries/tools listings on haskell.org (a simple
> marker: "maintained by
>   X; last heard of  in Nov 2001" would be a start),
> together with the 
>   kind of information you suggest.

Yes please! 
THis is a great idea. Maybe even some kind of
color coding? (Green means active, yellow means
not heard from for some time, red means 'plan
on doing a lot of work getting it to function with
the latest compilers'. 

Ok, maybe not those colors, but still. 

Actually, things have gotten a lot better in terms of 
libraries wrt ghc over the last few years. Many
of the interesting 'batteries' are now included. 
(To misquote the pythonism).  For example, you can
now get a pretty good system of the ground by
installing the latest ghc. Install HOpenGL and have
a heck of a lot of fun. FFI stuff is pretty workable
as is now ( I use it), but you will need
greencard to build HOpenGL and maybe some other stuff
you want. 
THanks all you library maintainers and writers! 
(I wish I could contribute in some way myself :()  

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