
As you know, Cambridge University Press are doing us the huge service of publishing 
the Haskell 98 report, both as a special issue of the Journal of Functional 
Programming (Jan 2003) and as a hardback book (it'll cost around £35).

I'm very, very, very happy to say that, following discussion with CUP, the copyright 
and reproduction arrangements for the report will remain unchanged; i.e. exactly as 
they are at:

I'm signing a letter that grants CUP a *non-exclusive* license to publish the Report, 
but it places no limitations on what else may be done with it.  The copyright will 
still be (c) Simon Peyton Jones (as it has for some while; it has to be attached to 
someone or some thing), and the existing notice that says "you can do what you like 
with this Report" will stay unchanged.  No "non-commercial only" caveats.

In my view this is extremely generous of CUP, and I am particularly grateful to Conrad 
Guettler for making it happen.  As a thank-you to CUP, perhaps you can all go out and 
buy a copy!

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