On Saturday, 2002-12-07, 03:42, CET, Ashley Yakeley wrote:
> At 2002-12-06 15:57, Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
> > I cannot see how this relatively simple representation can be used to
> > describe certain parsers. If I would use Identity for baseMonad, I would
> > have a type for simple parsers. MyParser Identity would essentially be
> > token -> output.
> You can't use Identity for baseMonad. You would need to use something that
> managed a stream. The idea is that your source is something of type
> "baseMonad token", and by repeatedly calling source, you pull off individual
> tokens.

Hello Ashley,

now I understand what you mean. Obviously you misinterpreted the meaning of 
baseMonad in
    Parser baseMonad token output
where Parser means the parser type I described some mails ago. In fact,
    Parser baseMonad token output
doesn't correspond to your
    MyParser baseMonad token output
but to
    forall s. MyParser (StateT s baseMonad) token output.
This shows that I could define Parser via
        Monad baseMonad =>
        Parser bm t o = Parser (forall s. StateT s bm t -> StateT s bm o)
instead of the "complicated way" I did.

The reason I didn't use this "simple implementation" is that with this 
implementation the same state transformer may be invoked on the same state 
multiple times. For example, consider a parser
    tokenProvider :: Parser Maybe Char token
and two parsers
    tokenConsumerOne :: Parser Maybe token output
    tokenConsumerTwo :: Parser Maybe token output.
Now let's combine them in the term
    tokenProvider >>> (tokenConsumerOne `mplus` tokenConsumerTwo).
The "simple" Parser implementation would, obviously, define (>>>) and mzero 
the following way:
    Parser parserOneFun >>> Parser parserTwoFun
        = Parser (parserTwoFun . parserOneFun)
    Parser parserOneFun `mzero` Parser parserTwoFun
        = Parser (\source -> parserOneFun source `mplus` parserTwoFun source)
Now, if tokenConsumerOne fails (indicated by Nothing), tokenProvider would 
parse tokens during the execution of tokenConsumerOne and parse the same 
tokens from the same input again during the execution of tokenConsumerTwo. 
Using my "complicated implementation", the tokens parsed during the execution 
of tokenConsumerOne are reused during the execution of tokenConsumerTwo.

> [...]

What makes your implementation interesting, is the fact that it is far more 
general than mine because it isn't restricted to state transformers. But I 
can imagine that I don't need this extra generality. And for many monads m 
(like, e.g., Identity or []) the type MyParser m is just not what you would 
call a parser.

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