
I have a function which behaves like map, except instead of applying the
given function to, say, the element at position 5, it applies it to the
entire list *without* the element at position 5.  An implementation looks

> mapWithout :: ([a] -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
> mapWithout f = mapWith' []
>     where mapWith' pre [] = []
>           mapWith' pre (x:xs) = f (pre ++ xs) : mapWith' (x:pre) xs

Unfortunately, this is very slow, due to the overhead of (++).

Any way I could speed this up would be great.  Note that order doesn't
matter to 'f', but I do need that the order in which the elements of the
list are processed be the same as in map.
two remarks:
1) as long as f works on single list, there is no way how to make things
faster (IMHO)
2) this solution is up to constant factor optimal due to laziness (at most one
step of ++ will be evaluated for each element f needs)

Zdenek Dvorak

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