Axel Simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> when I first asked Manuel (author of gtk+hs) if it is ok to make my Gtk
> binding public, he said something along the lines of "I can't keep you
> from making it public" and "I am not going to stop gtk+hs because of
> this". 

Just for the record, what I said is that I have neither
intention nor right to keep you from making it public.  More
code is a Good Thing.

> So it seems we are all waiting for the critical user mass that
> makes our own beloved GUI library (binding) the standard GUI library. For
> the sake of Haskell, we can only hope that this will actually happen one
> day.  A sad side-effects of this is that most of us GUI developers waste a
> tremendous amount of time. 

While a graphics library supported on all Haskell systems
and running on all platforms is useful, having a whole
spectrum of libraries available is the standard mode of
operation in almost all programming languages.  Any
standardised graphics library will be a compromise that is
usable only for relatively simple GUIs.

Having said this, we started on a standard library a while
ago, but not much progress has been made.  For details, see

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